Tuesday, August 7, 2007

a writing in a leisure time

Monteripido, August 7th,2007, 21:38

May be, it was one week passed over without my experience’s writing. So, I must write something immediately. I don’t know what I shall write. Mmm…it’s better to tell about my progress in the Italian course. If someone asks me: “How’s about your progress in Italian”. I shall answer him simply “cosi-cosi” It means that there are some progress, but a little bit. But, I shall judge myself that I can do nothing with Italian language. Comparing the other people who take Italian course – I’m not able to proud myself – I can say : I’m better. Note, however, it’s little bit.
I’m happy to learn Italian. It’s a musical language. Nevertheles, until now my dialect is still Javanese dialect. So it can be said : Italian language with javanesse dialect. And fortunately, in August course, I met many foreigner that have Roman Language, eg, Marta from Spanish, some people from Europe or Latin America. I can practise my Italian with them. The certain word which I often heard from them is “Non Capito” (I don’t understand).But, It’s OK. I don’t care about that. If this situation will be going on until the end of August, I’m sure that I can speak Italian well. And so, I’m ready to the real battle : Pontifical Biblical Institute. PIB is waiting for you.


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Anonymous said...

Good post.