Friday, June 15, 2007


Sunday (the day for SUN), Juni 10th 2007, at 15:53

Coronauna said to me so that I always direct my self towards my dream. Making dreams come true is the best way which everyone does it. When coronauna said about dream some day ago in SMS, immediately I remember the novel “Alchemis”, written by Paulo Coelho. He is my favourite author. I read the book “50 Self Help Classic”. In that book, the author comments upon the novel “Alchemist”. I shall quote it : “Santiago’s (protagonist in the Novel) dillema is the conflict between romantic love and private dream. We often see that a loving relationship is considered as the meaning of life. The obsession toward the romantic relationship, however, can separate us from a life more connected to the world. But, our heart also has some need, doesn’t it? Live in the midst of your dreams.

“There are no heart which will suffer in pursuing the dream,
because the time to pursue the dreams is the time to encounter with God and eternity”

Indeed, the romantic love is important, but that’s not your duty – your duty is pursuing the dream. If you devote to your dream, your soul will express the knowledge which can destroy the loneliness and give power for us”

Thanks coronauna because you have raised my courage for struggle to manifest the dream. I hope that my coronauna also run and reach her dreams.

L’amica altra e belissima,
Domenica, 10 giugno 2007, le sedici e mezza.

Forse, è ultimo tempo che incontro con la mia amica, Theresia Rita. Oggi, compro lei “Mie Ayam.” Sembra che è semplice. Communque, a me è significativo e ha fato felice. Questo è opportunita per sedere con la. In quello momento, spesso tocco la. Quando tocco la, il mio cuore sentisce felice. Francamente, amo la. Da molto tempo fa, davvero amo la. Ma, sono conscio che sono frai francescano. Percio, provo a amare la come la mia sorella. Forse, se non sono religioso francescano, poso chiedere a sposare con me. Hehehe. È la immaginazione matto.

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